Controls Sheet

The first sheet of the ProActiveX file is the Controls Sheet. The options available on this sheet are described below.

Get (All)

The Get button copies ActiveX enabled data elements from the currently open model to the ProActiveX spreadsheet.

ProModel must be running and a model loaded. When all of the data has been copied to the spreadsheet, a message box will appear saying, "Process Complete."

Build Model

The Build Model button copies all ActiveX enabled data elements from the ProActiveX spreadsheet to the currently open model.

ProModel must be running and a model loaded. When all of the data has been copied to the model, a message box will appear saying, "Process Complete."

Save Model

The Save Model button saves all updates to the loaded model. ProModel must already be open with a model loaded.

Run Simulation

The Run Simulation button starts the simulation for the loaded model. To view the simulation, you will have to manually select ProModel from your Windows Task Bar, to bring it forward.

Open ProModel

The Open ProModel button starts ProModel, but does not load a model.

Load Model

The Load Model button gives the user an opportunity to specify a model and then open it in ProModel. If ProModel is not already running, the Load Model button will start ProModel and then load the selected model. This button gives you an example of a custom dialog box.